Certificate in Photography
This Certificate Program is a total immersion in the intersecting worlds of street photography and activism. The program provides practical skills so that students can become working professionals in the field of photography. With a focus on digital street photography, students focus on such topics as photographing street protest, police and community interactions, street art, street performance, and community activism. Students who complete this certificate will be well positioned to work in the digital, social, and traditional media fields so as to document the human element of what is happening in their communities. No significant prior experience is needed.
Certificate in Community Activism and Advocacy
Advocacy is the action or process by a person or group which aims to influence decisions within the political, economic, and social systems and institutions of the community. In today’s world the art of community organizing and advocacy is under threat – and with it our democratic ideals. This certificate provides on-the-ground training that is both practical and theoretical in the fields of community organizing, media activism, legislative advocacy, administrative advocacy, advocates rights, and legal advocacy. The courses and workshops are taught by leading advocates in the fields of social justice, environmental justice, and human rights. Students who complete this certificate will be empowered to work for advocacy organizations at the local, state, or national level.
Certificate in Legal Studies
The law frames our society. All people are therefore entitled and obligated to know their rights and responsibilities of a legal system that demands equal protection, due process, and the rule of law. The Certificate in Legal Studies is a program that educates students about the fundamental aspects of constitutional rights, civil liberties, international law, and politics. Students will engage in readings, discussions, and field trips at the local, state, and international level.
Paralegal Certificate
There is a great demand in the legal profession for trained paralegal professionals and legal assistants. Participants in this certificate will study the fundamental principles of law, legal research and legal writing in order to be well prepared to enter the growing employment market in the fields of law and related professions. Students will be well positioned to work as paralegals and legal assistants in law firms, government agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Certificate in French or Spanish
In today’s world, we are increasingly connected either through the internet or through international trade and commerce. Students in this certificate will study the fundamentals of reading, writing, and speaking in either Arabic, French or Spanish. Native and fluent speakers will lead vibrant discussions and teach the fundamentals.
Certificate in Citizen Diplomacy
This certificate combines theory and practice in the area of direct citizen engagement at the international level. supporting sister city projects, participants will engage in travel and study focused on building bridges between people. From Cuba to Quebec, students enrolled in this certificate would take part in direct people to people exchanges based on creating friendships with people of other cultures with the aim of building bridges to peace.
Writing and Activism Certificate
The power of written words cannot be underestimated. This certificate will focus on learning to write and use writing as a tool of activism and advocacy. From creative writing or poetry to essays and commentaries, students will work with writing professionals to explore how to use this medium to make the world a better place.
Professional Certificates
Connect with your community and advance your professionalism with the following professional certificates available at VICII.