Mon, Nov 22
Cuba Today: An Update on Our Friends and Neighbors
Kurt Mehta, a lawyer who has visited Cuba and studied the island extensively and Sandy Baird from the Cuban American Friendship Society and a person who fell in love with Cuba decades ago will lead this community discussion on Zoom
Time & Location
Nov 22, 2021, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
About The Event
Cuba has always been under watchful eye of the United States. In the earliest days of Spanish and
English colonialism, the southern part of the States, which would become the Confederacy desired Cuba
to increase the power of the slaveocracy; when the American Revolution succeeded in independence
from the 13 British colonies, the new republic began an imperial climb to control all of Latin America and
the Caribbean. After the Cuban War of Independence and the Spanish American War was won by the
United States, Cuba was restricted in its independence by the Platt Amendment and by the occupation of
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba for a US naval base and now a US prison for alleged terrorists. When Fidel Castro established a Socialist government in Cuba the United States saw “red” and determined on a policy of embargoes, blockades and “regime change” for Havana.
Under President Barak Obama the United States offered a carrot rather than a stick to Cuba. But the
stick was returned under President Trump and now sanctions and restrictions on remunerations to
Cuban families and on travel continue to attempt to cripple the island nation. Although Cuba is seeking a
recovery of its economy and society after the crushing Covid pandemic, the United States seeks once
again to undermine their neighbors only 90 miles away.
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